Lietuva pasaulio akimis: Tyrimo pristatymas
Praėjusiais metais užfiksavome beveik milijoną Lietuvos paminėjimų 100 pasaulio valstybių. Beveik pusantro šimto tūkstančių kartų Lietuva minėta JAV žiniasklaidoje, nuo jos mažai atsiliko ir įsibėgėjusi Rusijos propagandos mašina – ten Lietuva minėta 141 000 kartų.
New Repsense Platform Features
Event type: Demo and Q&A
Format: Online
Presented by: Domas Vyšniauskas
Join Repsense Director of Customer Success Domas Vyšniauskas for the unveiling of our latest version of the Repsense reputation management platform. Designed to elevate your reputation-tracking projects, our platform empowers our clients to shape their communication strategies effectively.
At the online event, you'll discover how the revamped Repsense platform revolutionizes reputation management and explore our upgraded features:
Narrative Analysis: Explore 7+ narratives to dissect your reputation dimensions.
Advanced Filtering: Utilize advanced filters to track historical and real-time data, entities, narratives, keywords, and competitor positioning.
Impact of Mentions: Learn how every mention influences your brand's image, with our AI model providing insightful scores based on various factors.
Refreshed Design: Experience a visually enhanced platform, featuring a more intuitive layout prioritizing essential reports for ease of navigation.
Find out more about the new features in our latest blog post and explore the new Repsense platform firsthand.
Register now:
Introducing New RSI Platform Features
Event type: Demo and Q&A
Format: Online
Presented by: Domas Vyšniauskas
Join Domas Vyšniauskas, the Director of Customer Success at Repsense, for the launch of our latest version of the Repsense reputation tracking platform. During this online event, you’ll see how the new and improved Repsense RSI platform transforms reputation management.
Find out how:
To make the most out of the platform and its enhanced features.
To boost your brand reputation using data-driven insights.
To ensure that your brand stands out among the competitors and industry noise.
Register now:
Introducing New Repsense Features
Event type: Demo and Q&A
Format: Online
Presented by: Domas Vyšniauskas
Join Repsense Director of Customer Success Domas Vyšniauskas for the unveiling of our latest version of the Repsense reputation management platform. Designed to elevate your reputation-tracking projects, our platform empowers our clients to shape their communication strategies effectively.
At the online event, you'll discover how the revamped Repsense platform revolutionizes reputation management and explore our upgraded features:
Narrative Analysis: Explore 7+ narratives to dissect your reputation dimensions.
Advanced Filtering: Utilize advanced filters to track historical and real-time data, entities, narratives, keywords, and competitor positioning.
Impact of Mentions: Learn how every mention influences your brand's image, with our AI model providing insightful scores based on various factors.
Refreshed Design: Experience a visually enhanced platform, featuring a more intuitive layout prioritizing essential reports for ease of navigation.
Find out more about the new features in our latest blog post and explore the new Repsense platform firsthand.
Register now:
Saugumo Žaidynės
Lietuva – viena seniausiai su priešiškų valstybių skleidžiama dezinformacija susiduriančių šalių. Mūsų valstybės, visuomenės, akademijos ir žiniasklaidos bendradarbiavimas atsispiriant šioms grėsmėms dažnai NATO sąjungininkų laikomas pavyzdiniu.
Šios pergalės nėra amžinos – technologijų pažanga priešininkams suteikia naujas galimybes. Sausį Pasaulio Ekonomikos Forumo (WEF) atliktas tyrimas parodė, kad daugiau nei pusė (53 proc.) pasaulio lyderių tarp didžiausių grėsmių pasauliui įvardina dirbtinio intelekto pagalba sukurtas žiniasklaidos ir socialinių medijų dezinformacijų kampanijas. Pabrėžiama, kad jau 2024 metais visame pasaulyje (ir Lietuvoje) vykstantys rinkimai gali tapti pirmaisiais bandymais panaudoti DI technologijas skatinant visuomenės neramumus.
Ekonomikos ir inovacijų ministerijos, VU TSPMI ir „Repsense“ rengiamos „Saugumo žaidynės“ – pirmos pasaulyje antidezinformacinio dirbtinio intelekto (DI) treniruočių pratybos. Renginio metu ekspertai diskutuos apie dirbtinio intelekto panaudojimą nacionaliniam saugumui, o 40 VU TSPMI Saugumo studijų krypties studentų atliks praktines užduotis, susijusias su Lietuvos ir regiono informacinio saugumo situacija.
Renginio globėjai: Ekonomikos ir inovacijų ministerija (EIMIN)
Renginio organizatoriai: Inovacijų agentūra, duomenų analizės įmonė „Repsense“, VU Tarptautinių santykių ir politikos mokslų institutas (VU TSPMI) ir „CoInvest Capital“
Data: 2024 m. gegužės 10 d. 14:30 - 18:00
Vieta: Talent Garden (Vilniaus g. 33, 01402 Vilnius, Lietuva)
Formatas: renginį sudaro dvi dalys: visuomenei atvira konferencija (vietų skaičius ribotas) ir tik VU TSPMI studentams skirta uždara žaidynių dalis.
Kalba: Renginys vyks lietuvių ir anglų kalbomis.
Transliaciją stebėkite lietuvių kalba:
Renginio transliaciją stebėkite:
▶️ LRT:
▶️ Youtube (lietuvių kalba):
▶️ Youtube (in English):
Klausimus diskusijų dalyviams užduoti galite Slido:
Defense League
Lithuania has fought off disinformation and propaganda for years now. The cooperation of our state, society, academia, and media in resisting these threats is often considered exemplary by NATO allies.
However, technological progress provides new opportunities for hostile states. A study conducted by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in January showed that more than half (53 percent) of global leaders identify artificial intelligence-assisted media and social media disinformation campaigns as one of the greatest threats to the world. It is emphasized that as early as 2024, elections worldwide could face the first attempts to use AI technology to incite public unrest.
The Ministry of Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania, VU TSPMI, Innovation agency, Repsense and Coinvest Capital are organizing "Defense League," the world's first anti-disinformation AI training exercise. During the event, experts will discuss the use of artificial intelligence for national security, while students will compete to solve challenges related to the information security situation in Lithuania and the region.
Event organizers: Ministry of Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania, Innovation agency, Repsense, VU Institute of International Relations and Political Science (VU TSPMI), and investment fund Coinvest Capital.
Date: May 10, 2024
Venue: Talent Garden (Vilniaus str. 33, 01402 Vilnius, Lithuania).
Format: The event contains two parts: an open conference and an invite-only AI training exercise for VU TSPMI students.
Conference program
14:30 – Greetings from the representatives of the Ministry of Economics and Innovation and other honorable guests.
14:40 – Hostile Narratives: Propaganda and disinformation about and in Lithuania in 2024
Presented by Artificial Intelligence strategist and Repsense cofounder Alfredas Chmieliauskas.
• Lithuania’s image online, as seen by 39 countries;
• Lithuania’s image in selected Russian periodicals and social networks, as seen from 20,000 mentions in articles and social networks;
• Narratives about Lithuania in Lithuania.
15:10 – Discussion 3i: Innovate, Invest, Integrate - how to build business and win at cognitive warfare. Global trends and opportunities for Lithuania (in English)
Moderated by Viktorija Trimbel (CoInvest Capital)
Dr. Shahriar Ahy (Baltic Fund)
Jeremy Hitchcock (Minim)
Sandra Golbreich (Sandbox Ventures)
Erika Kuročkina (Ministry of the Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania)
The discussion will be held in English.
The discussion is organized by the Innovation agency.
15:50 – Break
16:10 – Discussion: How to accelerate the use of new technologies in national defense? (in English)
Moderated by Margarita Seselgyte (VU TSPMI)
Tomas Balkus (Lithuanian Armed Forces, Strategic Communication Department)
Dr. Heiko Borchert (Defense AI Observatory)
Sönke Marahrens (Hybrid CoE)
16:50 – The final presentation of "Defense League” disinformation detection exercise. Presentation of analysis results and discussing the most interesting insights. Awarding the top teams. Farewell reception.
17:30 – The end of the event.
8:15 AM – Introduction.
9:00 AM – Welcome speech and the official beginning of the games.
9:10 AM – First task: Lithuania through the eyes of the world – information and disinformation.
The task is presented by AI strategist and Repsense cofounder Alfredas Chmieliauskas.
During the task, 6 student groups will gather information on how Lithuania is perceived by other countries, devise an analysis structure, and create sets of narratives.
10:00 AM – Presentation: Construction and overview of Russian and Chinese propaganda narratives.
11:00 AM – Review of the results of the first session. Discussing the insights, evaluating the initial results, and announcing the scores.
11:30 AM – Second task: Overview of Russian narratives and disinformation.
The task is presented by Dr. Nerijus Maliukevičius (Vilnius University TSPMI).
During the task, 6 student groups will create sets of narratives and prepare research results taking into account both articles and texts published on social media. As the session ends, teams send their analysis results to the evaluation committee for review.
12:30 PM – Lunch break.
1:30 PM – Discussion of the results of the second session. Presentation of the results, announcing the scores.
2:00 PM – Third task: Uneasy back – overview of Russian narratives and disinformation.
The task is presented by the National Crisis Management Center.
During the task, 6 student groups coordinate the analysis structure and present sets of narratives. After completing the task, teams submit their work for evaluation by the committee.
3:00 PM – Break, participation in the conference.
3:30 PM – Discussion of the results of the third session and preparation to present analysis insights publicly.
4:50 PM – Presentation of final results and awards. Farewell reception.
5:30 PM – End of the event.
How will artificial intelligence be used during the event?
Artificial intelligence can help combat threats to national security by detecting disinformation and propaganda narratives. It can automate and facilitate the work of responsible authorities during public crises, war, or unrest.
Event participants will use AI platform "Adler," developed by the data analytics company Repsense. It instantly processes thousands of media texts, videos, radio broadcasts, social media posts, and internet search results. The tool identifies the key stakeholders in the story, determines their connections, detects narratives, evaluates favorability, assesses the novelty of phenomena, and summarizes the insights. Information processed clearly allows for quick and accurate decision-making and prevents the spread of disinformation, panic, or violence.
During the event, teams will use AI tools, verify their narratives with information, and receive automated insights for evaluating this information. The teams' work will be monitored by professionals, including data specialists, strategic communication experts, and representatives of key institutions. The tasks will be announced on the spot, participants will face challenges and surprises, and the best teams will be evaluated and rewarded.
The time has come for every key stakeholder to come together and start using artificial intelligence for national security.
Pasitikėjimo transformacija. Kaip kitų nuomonės kuria jūsų prekės ženklo reputaciją?
E-COMMERCE TALKS pokalbių ciklas – tai nemokamų internetinių seminarų serija, skirta aptarti visus su elektronine prekyba susijusius klausimus. Gegužės antrą dieną vyksiančiame internetiniame seminare jūs įgysite praktinių žinių apie internetinio prekės ženklo įvaizdį – kokia jo svarba, kaip jį vertinti ir tobulinti.
Seminare pranešimą skaitys Domas Vyšniauskas, Repsense klientų sėkmės vadovas. Jis dalinsis tikrais elektroninės komercijos įmonių pavyzdžiais bei aptars jų įvaizdžio formavimo sėkmingumą.
Be to, sužinosite apie:
Raktinių žodžių analizę ir vertinimą;
Sėkmingus kitų įmonių praktikos pavyzdžius, siekiant sukurti teigiamą įmonės įvaizdį;
Kitus svarbius rodiklius, padedančius įvertinti reputacijos indeksą – klientų atsiliepimus ir interneto publikacijas.
Repsense Platform: New Features
Event type: Demo and Q&A
Format: Online
Presented by: Domas Vyšniauskas
Join Repsense Director of Customer Success Domas Vyšniauskas for the unveiling of our latest version of the Repsense reputation management platform. Designed to elevate your reputation-tracking projects, our platform empowers our clients to shape their communication strategies effectively.
At the online event, you'll discover how the revamped Repsense platform revolutionizes reputation management and explore our upgraded features:
Narrative Analysis: Explore 7+ narratives to dissect your reputation dimensions.
Advanced Filtering: Utilize advanced filters to track historical and real-time data, entities, narratives, keywords, and competitor positioning.
Impact of Mentions: Learn how every mention influences your brand's image, with our AI model providing insightful scores based on various factors.
Refreshed Design: Experience a visually enhanced platform, featuring a more intuitive layout prioritizing essential reports for ease of navigation.
Find out more about the new features in our latest blog post and explore the new Repsense platform firsthand.
Register now:
DI Rektorius Versle
Rugilės Ereminaitės pristatymas: DI pritaikymas komunikacijoje: efektyvi analitika ir duomenimis grįsti sprendimai
Reputacijos Indeksas 2024
Balandžio 9 d. 16–18 val.
ISM, Gedimino pr. 7, Vilnius
Reputacija: kiek geležiniai stereotipų pančiai?
Stereotipai gajūs todėl, kad mūsų sąmonė nuolat ieško trumpesnių maršrutų atsakymo link. Bėda tik, kad trumpesnis kelias – ne visuomet geresnis. O matuojant reputaciją stereotipai yra ne tik gajūs, bet ir klaidinantys. Geroji naujiena – netgi tvirčiausiai nukaltus stereotipus galima įveikti. Ne tiek gera – o ką gi gali padaryti organizacijos, laidodamos tokius stereotipus?
Renginio programa (bus pildoma):
• Naujausio Lietuvos reputacijos indekso tyrimo 2024 rezultatų pristatymas: Rūta Gaudiešienė, „Civitta“ partnerė
• Diskusija „Reputacija: kiek geležiniai stereotipų pančiai?“
Renginys vyks lietuvių kalba.
Jį bus galima stebėti ir tiesioginės transliacijos metu portale „Delfi“.
Lietuva pasaulio akimis: tyrimo pristatymas
Lietuva Pasaulio Akimis
150 000.
Tiek pernai 39 pasaulio šalyse publikuotų tekstų apie Lietuvą, Latviją ir Estiją išanalizavo „Repsense“ AI pagrindu veikianti platforma. Didžiausias iki šiol šalyje atliktas komunikacijos tyrimas atskleis, kokios temos ir naratyvai vyravo žiniasklaidoje, kiek jie sudomino žmones ir ką apie mus ir kaimynus jie sužinojo internete.
Diskusijos metu specialistų bendruomenė sieks išsiaiškinti, kaip šalies reputacija veikia politiką, turizmą ir investicijų klimatą, su kokiais iššūkiais susiduria šalies įvaizdį formuojančios institucijos ir kaip visiems kartu prisidėti prie Lietuvos įvaizdžio formavimo.
Renginio organizatoriai: Duomenų analizės bendrovė „Repsense“ ir ISM Vadybos ir ekonomikos universitetas.
Data: Kovo 15 d. 13:00 val.
Adresas: Gedimino pr. 7, 01103 Vilnius (ISM).
Renginys vyks lietuvių kalba, jį bus galima stebėti tiesioginės transliacijos metu.
13:00 - 13:05 – ISM rektoriaus Daliaus Misiūno sveikinimo žodis
13:05 - 14:00 – Lietuva pasaulio akimis: komunikacijos tyrimo pristatymas ir klausimai
Tyrimą aptaria: Rugilė Ereminaitė, „Repsense“ analitikos skyriaus vadovė ir Alfredas Chmieliauskas, „Repsense“ tyrimų vadovas.
Pristatymo metu sužinosime:
Kokiose šalyse Lietuva domimasi labiausiai
Kur lenkiame latvius ir estus, o kur nusileidžiame?
Pozityvūs ir neigiami dalykai, kuriuos apie mus atranda tūkstančiai šalimi besidominčių žmonių
Kokios temos ir naratyvai praėjusiais metais vyravo pasaulio internetinėje žiniasklaidoje komunikuojant apie Lietuvą
Viešoji politika ir diplomatija, turizmas, verslas – kurie naratyvai vyravo kalbant apie mūsų šalį svarbiausių pasaulio valstybių žiniasklaidoje?
14:00 - 15:00 – Diskusija: Kaip pagerinti Lietuvos įvaizdį naudojantis duomenimis grįstomis įžvalgomis?
Diskusijoje dalyvauja: Rūta Skyrienė („Investors Forum“), Rūta Nemunytė („Invest Lithuania“), Mykolas Katkus („Repsense“, „Fabula“), Andrius Milinavičius (LIMA, „Baltic Sandbox“), Patricija Černiauskaitė („Nord Security“), doc. dr. Lineta Ramonienė (ISM).
Diskusiją veda: Jūratė Žuolytė (DELFI).
Diskusijoje aptarsime:
Ką tyrimai sako apie užsieniečių santykį su Lietuva, o ką – apie mūsų komunikacijos gebėjimus?
Kurių temų pasakodami apie save neišnaudojame?
Ko pasimokyti galime iš savo kaimynų?
Kokios temos svarbiausios mūsų tikslinėms auditorijoms – politikams, investuotojams, aukštos pridėtinės vertės darbuotojams?
Tyrimo metodologija
Tyrime analizuoti 39 regionai ir aptartos 7 šalies įvaizdį sudarančios dimensijos, nagrinėjant eksportą, turizmą, investicijas, imigraciją, valdymą, žmones, kultūrą ir paveldą.Tyrimą sudaro trys dalys:
Naujienų naratyvų identifikacija – atliekamas naujienų surinkimas, apdirbimas, subjektų išskyrimas, meta duomenų analizė, naratyvų ir palankumo analizė. Atrinktam turiniui apie kiekvieną valstybę pritaikoma „Adler“ modelio analizė, kuri įvertina, kokie naratyvai dominuoja tekste ir kokią įtaką tekstai daro komunikacijai.
Paieškų kiekio analizė – identifikuotos populiariausios paieškos anglų ir vietinėmis nacionalinėmis kalbomis skirtinguose analizės regionuose.
Reputacijos internete analizė – su atrinktais populiariausiais paieškos raktažodžiais atliekama atrandamų rezultatų analizė.
Turite klausimų arba norite bendradarbiauti? Susisiekite el. paštu
Understanding Lithuania's Image
Insights From Global Online Reputation Study
Today, a memorable story online might make or break a brand.
Data analysis company Repsense has conducted a study about Lithuania's online reputation and found out how 38 countries in Europe and around the world have perceived us in 2023.
During the presentation and discussion, you will find out more about:
The main narratives that emerge while looking up information about Lithuania online
The key challenges faced by communication experts who shape the country's image in 2023
The actionable insights on how to improve Lithuania's image using data-driven insights
Date: March 15th, at 13:00-15:00
Address: Gedimino Ave. 7, 01103 Vilnius, ISM University of Management and Economics.
Language: Lithuanian
Organized by: Repsense and ISM University of Management and Economics
Research Methodology
The study analyzes 39 regions and discusses seven reputation dimensions, examining export, tourism, investments, immigration, governance, culture, heritage, and people.
The research consists of three parts:
Analysis of search volume – identifying the most popular searches in English and local national languages in different analysis regions.
Analysis of online reputation – checking the results found among the selected popular search keywords.
Identifying news narratives - analyzing the news to assess the dominant narratives in the text.
Data-Driven Communication
In today's fast-moving digital world, good communication is essential. Let’s see how to utilize the potential of data and AI in your communication strategies.
Discover how data analysis and AI-driven tools can transform the way you shape your company's reputation, engage your audience, and stay ahead in the industry. Don't miss this opportunity to learn:
📊 How to analyze content and stay in sync with public opinion.
🔍 The importance of context and its role in communication.
📈 Measuring the value of your communication efforts.
🤖 How AI can streamline your work and boost efficiency.
Online Reputation Management Tactics: Setting Reputation Management Ambitions
Welcome to our Online Reputation Management Tactics webinar!
At Repsense, we understand that having a positive online reputation is crucial to the success of any business or brand. That's why we're excited to share our proven tactics for managing and improving your online reputation.
There are three main SERP engineering tactics that can help you manage negative information about company/brand:
Trying to change the information in the source
Trying to push the source down
Trying to delete the information in the source
While all three strategies are theoretically possible, the chances of success with deletion are the lowest. This strategy requires significant financial resources, legal expertise, and a strong argument.
Instead, we recommend focusing on the other two strategies: changing the information in the source and pushing the source down.
Changing the information in the source involves building relationships with journalists, clarifying information, improving products, and changing internal strategies. This strategy takes time and perseverance, but if done correctly, the results will benefit your business in the long run.
Pushing the source down on search engine results pages (SERPs) is the most effective strategy for managing your online reputation. This involves using owned assets such as your website, social media, and review platforms to publish positive content that outranks negative content on search engine results pages. We'll show you how to amplify this positive content using PR campaigns and other tactics.
We'll also cover review management and how to turn your customers into brand advocates. We'll discuss the importance of owning and sharing media that you can influence yourself.
At our webinar, you'll learn how to build a strong online reputation and protect your business from negative content. We'll provide real-life examples and case studies to illustrate our tactics and answer your questions along the way.
Don't miss this opportunity to take control of your online reputation.
Online Reputation Management Tactics: Setting Reputation Management Ambitions
Welcome to our Online Reputation Management Tactics webinar!
At Repsense, we understand that having a positive online reputation is crucial to the success of any business or brand. That's why we're excited to share our proven tactics for managing and improving your online reputation.
There are three main SERP engineering tactics that can help you manage negative information about company/brand:
Trying to change the information in the source
Trying to push the source down
Trying to delete the information in the source
While all three strategies are theoretically possible, the chances of success with deletion are the lowest. This strategy requires significant financial resources, legal expertise, and a strong argument.
Instead, we recommend focusing on the other two strategies: changing the information in the source and pushing the source down.
Changing the information in the source involves building relationships with journalists, clarifying information, improving products, and changing internal strategies. This strategy takes time and perseverance, but if done correctly, the results will benefit your business in the long run.
Pushing the source down on search engine results pages (SERPs) is the most effective strategy for managing your online reputation. This involves using owned assets such as your website, social media, and review platforms to publish positive content that outranks negative content on search engine results pages. We'll show you how to amplify this positive content using PR campaigns and other tactics.
We'll also cover review management and how to turn your customers into brand advocates. We'll discuss the importance of owning and sharing media that you can influence yourself.
At our webinar, you'll learn how to build a strong online reputation and protect your business from negative content. We'll provide real-life examples and case studies to illustrate our tactics and answer your questions along the way.
Don't miss this opportunity to take control of your online reputation.
Building a Strong Online Reputation: Strategies and Best Practices
Are you looking to establish a positive online reputation for yourself or your business? Join us for this event focused on the strategies and best practices for building a strong online reputation.
Attendees will learn practical tips on creating high-quality content, optimizing their website for Google Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs), and managing online reviews and feedback. You will discover how to develop an effective online reputation management strategy that aligns with your goals and objectives.
This event is suitable for entrepreneurs, marketing professionals, website owners, and anyone who wants to build and maintain a strong online reputation. Whether you are just starting out or looking to improve your existing online presence, this event will provide valuable insights and actionable strategies.
Join us for Building a Strong Online Reputation: Strategies and Best Practices, and take the first step towards building a positive online reputation that will help you achieve success in today's digital world.
Share of Search & Dealing With Negative Reviews
Are you looking to enhance your brand's online visibility and attract more traffic to your website? If so, we invite you to join us for an informative webinar focused on two critical aspects of online reputation management: Share of Search and effectively dealing with negative reviews.
During this event, participants will gain valuable insights into Share of Search, an emerging metric that measures a brand's online visibility in comparison to its competitors. We will explore practical tips and strategies to improve your Share of Search, including optimizing your website for Google Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs), conducting thorough keyword research, and creating compelling, high-quality content that resonates with your target audience.
This webinar is designed for entrepreneurs, marketing professionals, website owners, and anyone seeking to boost their brand's online visibility and drive more traffic to their website. Whether you are just starting out or aiming to enhance your existing online presence, this event promises to provide you with actionable strategies and valuable insights.
At Repsense, we understand the significance of maintaining a positive online reputation for the success of any business or brand. That is why we are thrilled to share our proven tactics for managing and improving your online reputation.
One of the key focal points of this webinar is navigating negative information about your company or brand on search engine result pages (SERPs). We will discuss three primary SERP engineering tactics that can assist you in managing such content:
Trying to change the information in the source: We will explore strategies for modifying the negative information at its source, providing you with effective techniques to alter the narrative and improve your brand's perception.
Trying to push the source down: We will delve into methods to minimize the visibility of negative information by pushing it further down the search results. By implementing these tactics, you can ensure that positive content about your brand takes precedence.
While all three strategies theoretically hold potential, deletion is the least likely to succeed. This approach demands substantial financial resources, legal expertise, and a compelling argument. Instead, we highly recommend focusing on the other two strategies: changing the information at the source and pushing the negative source down the search results.
By attending this webinar, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of online reputation management, Share of Search, and effective tactics to mitigate the impact of negative reviews and content. Join us for "Share of Search: Driving Visibility and Traffic for Your Brand" and take the first step towards improving your brand's visibility and driving more traffic to your website.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn valuable strategies from industry experts. Register today to secure your spot at this engaging and informative webinar.
Online Reputation Management Tactics: Setting Reputation Management Ambitions
At Repsense, we understand that having a positive online reputation is crucial to the success of any business or brand. That's why we're excited to share our proven tactics for managing and improving your online reputation.
As the famous quote from Warren Buffet goes,“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.”
Mr. Buffet offered this pearl ofwisdom almost a decade ago. Since then, the #digitalrevolution has well and truly taken over. And so, even though this quote still rings true today, It needs updating.
Thanks to the digital world, everything is faster. You can now build a reputation much faster, but you can also ruin it more quickly.
Forget five minutes—try 0.5 seconds or however quickly you can click a mouse.
During our webinar, you'll learn how to build a strong online reputation and protect your business from negative content. We'll provide real-life examples and case studies to illustrate our tactics and answer your questions along the way.
Don't miss this opportunity to take control of your online reputation.
The Power of Reputation: Start Tracking Online Reputation
In today's digital age, a company's reputation can be easily impacted by online reviews, comments, and feedback. Online Reputation Management (ORM) is becoming increasingly important for businesses to maintain their brand image and credibility.
This event will focus on the basics of ORM and the power of a good online reputation. It will provide attendees with an understanding of the importance of monitoring and managing their online reputation, as well as the tools and strategies to do so effectively.
We'll share our experiences and insights on ORM, including how to respond to negative reviews and comments, how to leverage positive feedback, and how to build a strong online presence.
This is an introductory event that is open to all professionals who are interested in learning more about ORM and how to improve their online reputation. Whether you are a small business owner, marketing professional, or social media manager, this event will provide you with valuable insights and practical tips to enhance your online reputation and increase your credibility.
Join us for Online Reputation Management 101 course, and learn how to take control of your online presence and build a strong reputation that will help you succeed in today's digital world.
Online Reputation Management Tactics: Setting Reputation Management Ambitions
Welcome to our Online Reputation Management Tactics webinar!
At Repsense, we understand that having a positive online reputation is crucial to the success of any business or brand. That's why we're excited to share our proven tactics for managing and improving your online reputation.
There are three main SERP engineering tactics that can help you manage negative information about company/brand:
Trying to change the information in the source
Trying to push the source down
Trying to delete the information in the source
While all three strategies are theoretically possible, the chances of success with deletion are the lowest. This strategy requires significant financial resources, legal expertise, and a strong argument.
Instead, we recommend focusing on the other two strategies: changing the information in the source and pushing the source down.
Changing the information in the source involves building relationships with journalists, clarifying information, improving products, and changing internal strategies. This strategy takes time and perseverance, but if done correctly, the results will benefit your business in the long run.
Pushing the source down on search engine results pages (SERPs) is the most effective strategy for managing your online reputation. This involves using owned assets such as your website, social media, and review platforms to publish positive content that outranks negative content on search engine results pages. We'll show you how to amplify this positive content using PR campaigns and other tactics.
We'll also cover review management and how to turn your customers into brand advocates. We'll discuss the importance of owning and sharing media that you can influence yourself.
At our webinar, you'll learn how to build a strong online reputation and protect your business from negative content. We'll provide real-life examples and case studies to illustrate our tactics and answer your questions along the way.
Don't miss this opportunity to take control of your online reputation.
Building a Strong Online Reputation: Strategies and Best Practices
Are you looking to establish a positive online reputation for yourself or your business? Join us for this event focused on the strategies and best practices for building a strong online reputation.
Attendees will learn practical tips on creating high-quality content, optimizing their website for Google Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs), and managing online reviews and feedback. You will discover how to develop an effective online reputation management strategy that aligns with your goals and objectives.
This event is suitable for entrepreneurs, marketing professionals, website owners, and anyone who wants to build and maintain a strong online reputation. Whether you are just starting out or looking to improve your existing online presence, this event will provide valuable insights and actionable strategies.
Join us for Building a Strong Online Reputation: Strategies and Best Practices, and take the first step towards building a positive online reputation that will help you achieve success in today's digital world.
The Power of Reputation: Online Reputation Management 101
In today's digital age, a company's reputation can be easily impacted by online reviews, comments, and feedback. Online Reputation Management (ORM) is becoming increasingly important for businesses to maintain their brand image and credibility.
This event will focus on the basics of ORM and the power of a good online reputation. It will provide attendees with an understanding of the importance of monitoring and managing their online reputation, as well as the tools and strategies to do so effectively.
We'll share our experiences and insights on ORM, including how to respond to negative reviews and comments, how to leverage positive feedback, and how to build a strong online presence.
This is an introductory event that is open to all professionals who are interested in learning more about ORM and how to improve their online reputation. Whether you are a small business owner, marketing professional, or social media manager, this event will provide you with valuable insights and practical tips to enhance your online reputation and increase your credibility.
Join us for The Power of Reputation: Online Reputation Management 101, and learn how to take control of your online presence and build a strong reputation that will help you succeed in today's digital world.
Regain Control of Your Online Reputation
Join us at LOGIN.LT the biggest innovation festival in Lithuania, where our very own Domas Vysniauskas will reveal the secret how to be the best in the competition.
Domas is sure that companies who are not tracking their online reputation are putting themselves at a big risk.
Building a Strong Online Reputation: Strategies and Best Practices
Are you looking to establish a positive online reputation for yourself or your business? Join us for this event focused on the strategies and best practices for building a strong online reputation.
Attendees will learn practical tips on creating high-quality content, optimizing their website for Google Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs), and managing online reviews and feedback. You will discover how to develop an effective online reputation management strategy that aligns with your goals and objectives.
This event is suitable for entrepreneurs, marketing professionals, website owners, and anyone who wants to build and maintain a strong online reputation. Whether you are just starting out or looking to improve your existing online presence, this event will provide valuable insights and actionable strategies.
Join us for Building a Strong Online Reputation: Strategies and Best Practices, and take the first step towards building a positive online reputation that will help you achieve success in today's digital world.
The Power of Reputation: Online Reputation Management 101
In today's digital age, a company's reputation can be easily impacted by online reviews, comments, and feedback. Online Reputation Management (ORM) is becoming increasingly important for businesses to maintain their brand image and credibility.
This event will focus on the basics of ORM and the power of a good online reputation. It will provide attendees with an understanding of the importance of monitoring and managing their online reputation, as well as the tools and strategies to do so effectively.
We'll share our experiences and insights on ORM, including how to respond to negative reviews and comments, how to leverage positive feedback, and how to build a strong online presence.
This is an introductory event that is open to all professionals who are interested in learning more about ORM and how to improve their online reputation. Whether you are a small business owner, marketing professional, or social media manager, this event will provide you with valuable insights and practical tips to enhance your online reputation and increase your credibility.
Join us for The Power of Reputation: Online Reputation Management 101, and learn how to take control of your online presence and build a strong reputation that will help you succeed in today's digital world.
The Power of Reputation: Online Reputation Management 101
In today's digital age, a company's reputation can be easily impacted by online reviews, comments, and feedback. Online Reputation Management (ORM) is becoming increasingly important for businesses to maintain their brand image and credibility.
This event will focus on the basics of ORM and the power of a good online reputation. It will provide attendees with an understanding of the importance of monitoring and managing their online reputation, as well as the tools and strategies to do so effectively.
We'll share our experiences and insights on ORM, including how to respond to negative reviews and comments, how to leverage positive feedback, and how to build a strong online presence.
This is an introductory event that is open to all professionals who are interested in learning more about ORM and how to improve their online reputation. Whether you are a small business owner, marketing professional, or social media manager, this event will provide you with valuable insights and practical tips to enhance your online reputation and increase your credibility.
Join us for The Power of Reputation: Online Reputation Management 101, and learn how to take control of your online presence and build a strong reputation that will help you succeed in today's digital world.
Online Reputation Management Tactics. Crafting A Reputation Management Plan
Welcome to our Online Reputation Management Tactics webinar!
At Repsense, we understand that having a positive online reputation is crucial to the success of any business or brand. That's why we're excited to share our proven tactics for managing and improving your online reputation.
There are three main SERP engineering tactics that can help you manage negative information about company/brand:
Trying to change the information in the source
Trying to push the source down
Trying to delete the information in the source
While all three strategies are theoretically possible, the chances of success with deletion are the lowest. This strategy requires significant financial resources, legal expertise, and a strong argument.
Instead, we recommend focusing on the other two strategies: changing the information in the source and pushing the source down.
Changing the information in the source involves building relationships with journalists, clarifying information, improving products, and changing internal strategies. This strategy takes time and perseverance, but if done correctly, the results will benefit your business in the long run.
Pushing the source down on search engine results pages (SERPs) is the most effective strategy for managing your online reputation. This involves using owned assets such as your website, social media, and review platforms to publish positive content that outranks negative content on search engine results pages. We'll show you how to amplify this positive content using PR campaigns and other tactics.
We'll also cover review management and how to turn your customers into brand advocates. We'll discuss the importance of owning and sharing media that you can influence yourself.
At our webinar, you'll learn how to build a strong online reputation and protect your business from negative content. We'll provide real-life examples and case studies to illustrate our tactics and answer your questions along the way.
Don't miss this opportunity to take control of your online reputation.
Online Reputation Tracking
Today, it's not enough to simply make noise online. Fragmented media and scattered attention mean that brands can no longer be visible on every channel that matters. How can your company stay memorable in the age of forgetfulness?
Key challenges that communication managers face today
PESO vs. NIIS models: how to use both for the best results?
Online reputation tracking as a core tool for brand management