The Ultimate Online Reputation Score
Repsense Reputation Index (RSI) helps brands gain clarity on how they are perceived online. We developed this unique reputation index to make data-driven decisions easy and instant.
100 million
sources used
factors considered
7.5 billion
data points analyzed
How Repsense Index Works
Repsense Reputation Index helps to make sense of vast online data. It analyzes information across multiple layers and accumulates the most comprehensive view of your brand. We begin by choosing the right keywords representing different aspects of your brand and analyze the data through 80+ factors. Each of these elements helps define your brand's online reputation score.
Why Having A Reputation Score is Important?
According to Deloitte's research, even ten years ago, 87% of executives rated reputation risk as more important than other strategic risks. And today, with even better access to the internet, an online reputation can be ruined by a simple misunderstanding or several upset customers.
More than half of the world’s population is online
66% of the global population today has access to the internet.
Most people spend hours online every day
While the number varies depending on the country, people spend between 4–9 hours per day online.
People trust information they find on social media
Americans trust social media almost as much as they trust national news outlets.
Repsense Index Components
Our machine learning algorithm analyzes information on Google search, news, blogs, Wikipedia, product reviews, online databases, and other sources. The algorithm consists of Semantic, Scraping, and Modeling engines as well as the presentation layer – an informative and easy-to-use dashboard that helps people quickly turn data into actionable insights. The algorithm replicates individual behavior to research a company and is based on hundreds of thousands of data points extracted from online sources.
Modeling Engine
Calculates key mentions
Reads and evaluates review ratings
Classifies websites by rank
Assigns numeric evaluation
Scraping Engine
Imitates stakeholder search on Google
Access social media content
Access website content
Semantic engine
Understands text sentiment and key narratives
Evaluates text quality
Recognizes entities in the text
Analyzes multiple languages
Brand Reputation Lives in the Search Box
Due to hyperconnectivity, our memory has changed. Not only that – the amount of noise online has risen, too. Which means that it’s harder for brands to stand out online. Repsense brand reputation score calculates brand impact across multiple levels of communication. It evaluates and tracks your online reputation based on what your stakeholders find about you online, analyzes how much noise the company makes online, and which types of signals the company sends out to the world. Repsense has created the Repsense Index to represent the next generation of communications.