Release notes 2.0
The summer heat is rising as our engineers are working hard on improving our newly launched application. We know you had to be patient but some of these improvements are already here, and the rest are on the way.
Here are some of the exciting additions you’ve might just missed last month:
“Topic” type entities added to left side filter
The number of missed (not captured) articles was minimized
The application data table now gets updated every 10 minutes
Possibility to select and see results for specific days, weeks, months, and quarters. Also, you can see the time of Publication in the results table. The table is now by default sorted by the newest captured mentions:
Social media posts were added to the general results table as well as to the media analytics section:
A more convenient way to review mentions in the press is to see the page number and text snippet with a highlight for each mention:
Brand logos were added to the application.
The blue effectiveness graph is now connected to the results table: click on a special day on the blue chart and see the results in the table straight away.
People tend to slow down during summer, but not Repsense. Here are some things to look forward to next month:
Operative monitoring alerts: get informed straight away
Repsenseverse: a guidebook to Repsense app
Automatically generated topics: What does AI think about your monitoring feed? (beta)
Access multiple workspaces from one account
Updates on Media analytics: structure and interface uplift
A separate application section for Social Media mentions
Improvements on Narrative matching and Impact numbers: Repsense data analytics just launched a new cycle during which they will work to optimize Adler on your use case.
See you soon!